
Understanding camDown Professional

Understanding camDown Professional

1. The Home Screen
As you can see the application’s icon-based buttons are laid out vertically,
Each icon is a tab and you can just click each icon-based button to see what happens!

In order, the 4 icon-based buttons are:

Home: Where you start in camDown.

Action: Where the webcam can be enabled/disabled.

Settings: Where you can customize how camDown functions.

About: Information about camDown and Veritasr.

Home Screen
2. The Action Screen
Use the blue switches to enable or disable your webcams as needed

The moving blue dots represent the time the actions you requested take to complete


To change whether or not your webcam(s) are enabled or disabled, just click on the switch.
If you have a touch screen device you can also tap on the switch with your finger or stylus!

Action Screen
3. The Settings Screen
Each option on the Settings screen should be self explanatory,
however we will do a quick review for completeness.

Save settings on exit: Any change(s) you make here on this screen will be saved
when you exit the camDown, so when you restart camDown, it looks just like
the the last time you used it.

Start on the Action tab: Instead of the application starting on the Home screen,
camDown will start up directly on the screen where you can
enable/disable your webcam(s).

Use Dark mode: The clean white interface is very nice and professional,
however when you are in low-light conditions, camDown may feel too bright for your eyes.
We implemented a ‘Dark mode‘ to change the colors to a darker theme to help relax your
eyes when it’s dark.

Disable product recommendations: This setting (only available in camDown Professional or higher)
allows you to disable all in-app advertisements, if you’d like.

Enable Full Patriot Edition: A very special mode, made only for American Patriots where camDown
allows you to show your patriotic pride. Go Team USA!

Settings Screen
4. The About screen:
This screen contains a link to our website and some information about us, camDown, and Veritasr LLC. camDown
About Screen

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