Understanding camDown Professional
1. The Home Screen | |
As you can see the application’s icon-based buttons are laid out vertically, Each icon is a tab and you can just click each icon-based button to see what happens! In order, the 4 icon-based buttons are: Home: Where you start in camDown. Action: Where the webcam can be enabled/disabled. Settings: Where you can customize how camDown functions. About: Information about camDown and Veritasr. |
Home Screen |
2. The Action Screen | |
Use the blue switches to enable or disable your webcams as needed
The moving blue dots represent the time the actions you requested take to complete Usage: To change whether or not your webcam(s) are enabled or disabled, just click on the switch. |
Action Screen |
3. The Settings Screen | |
Each option on the screen should be self explanatory,however we will do a quick review for completeness. Save settings on exit: Any change(s) you make here on this screen will be saved Start on the Action tab: Instead of the application starting on the Home screen, Use Dark mode: The clean white interface is very nice and professional, Disable product recommendations: This setting (only available in camDown Professional or higher) Enable Full Patriot Edition: A very special mode, made only for American Patriots where camDown |
Settings Screen |
4. The About screen: | |
This screen contains a link to our website and some information about us, camDown, and Veritasr LLC. | About Screen |
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